Sunday, November 13, 2011

Preferred video/audio codecs in Windows

Ever tried to open a AVCHD (h264) video stream in VirtualDub? Well, it is not that simple - VirtualDub is designed for Video For Windows (VFW) interface, but AVCHD decoders work as DirectShow filters. It is like expecting an iPhone application to work on the Android phone.

The solution for the problem (opening AVCHD in VirtualDub) is to use DirectShow plugin for VirtualDub that allows you to open the video. You can get the plugin here:

Of course you also need an AVCHD (h264) decoder that is VirtualDub compatible (supports RGB decoded output) where Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder isn't. But there are many options, FFmepeg is one of them, feel free to choose one yourself.

So you have DirectShow plugin and some RGB-compatible decoder installed but the video is still not displayed in VirtualDub. You see a green area where the actual video picture should be previewed and VirtualDub might be complaining about decoder's RGB compatibility. The problem is in the priority list of decoders that still picks MS DTV-DVD decoder. You can change this with some registry editing but there is something better - a utility for changing decoder priorities:
The usage is straight forward so happy video editing once it works.

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