Sunday, August 2, 2015

Linux: find which file is using a specific LBA sector on disk (bad blocks recovery)

There is one universal truth about any hardware: it will fail. Hard drives are no exception and their failure is usually more unpleasant than a failing mouse or graphic card. In case your drive is failing and you don't have backup (bad option) you will try to figure out which file was damaged due to bad sectors so you might just copy the remaining part to another drive and replace the damaged files (if you have a copy). Of course, this works only on hard disks with bad sectors; if the whole disk fails (electronics) then you'll have to use some other option to get the data.

Anyway, to make the story short, you have an accessible drive with some bad sectors. You figured out the LBA address of the failing sectors (with SMART test or kernel complaining about failed reading etc.) and now you would really like to know the file that is using this sector. But due to high level of abstraction (partitions, LVM, filesystem inodes etc.) this is not a trivial task as you have to recalculate addresses, convert the sector number to inode number and so on... As always, there is a shortcut: this script figures out this for you automatically. :) As it is a really useful tool I am posting a copy here on the blog, so it doesn't get lost if the original source goes down, but the original author is still Stuart D Gathman.

The script input parameters are the failing drive (e.g. /dev/sdc) and the LBA address of the failing sector (e.g. 1834273903). When starting the script it will dig in the layers of abstraction and report the unfortunate file (but if you're lucky it might say it is used by free space so no data has been damaged).

The script:

# Identify partition, LV, file containing a sector 

# Copyright (C) 2010,2012 Stuart D. Gathman
# Shared under GNU Public License v2 or later
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.

#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.

#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import sys
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE

ID_LVM = 0x8e
ID_LINUX = 0x83
ID_EXT = 0x05
ID_RAID = 0xfd

def idtoname(id):
  if id == ID_LVM: return "Linux LVM"
  if id == ID_LINUX: return "Linux Filesystem"
  if id == ID_EXT: return "Extended Partition"
  if id == ID_RAID: return "Software RAID"
  return hex(id)

class Segment(object):
  __slots__ = ('pe1st','pelst','lvpath','le1st','lelst')
  def __init__(self,pe1st,pelst):
    self.pe1st = pe1st;
    self.pelst = pelst;
  def __str__(self):
    return "Seg:%d-%d:%s:%d-%d" % (

def cmdoutput(cmd):
  p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
    for ln in p.stdout:
      yield ln

def icheck(fs,blk):
  "Return inum from block number, or 0 if free space."
  for ln in cmdoutput("debugfs -R 'icheck %d' '%s' 2>/dev/null"%(blk,fs)):
    b,i = ln.strip().split(None,1)
    if not b[0].isdigit(): continue
    if int(b) == blk:
      if i.startswith('<'):
 return 0
      return int(i)
  raise ValueError('%s: invalid block: %d'%(fs,blk))

def ncheck(fs,inum):
  "Return filename from inode number, or None if not linked."
  for ln in cmdoutput("debugfs -R 'ncheck %d' '%s' 2>/dev/null"%(inum,fs)):
    i,n = ln.strip().split(None,1)
    if not i[0].isdigit(): continue
    if int(i) == inum:
      return n
  return None

def blkid(fs):
  "Return dictionary of block device attributes"
  d = {}
  for ln in cmdoutput("blkid -o export '%s'"%fs):
    k,v = ln.strip().split('=',1)
    d[k] = v
  return d

def getpvmap(pv):
  pe_start = 192 * 2
  pe_size = None
  seg = None
  segs = []
  for ln in cmdoutput("pvdisplay --units k -m %s"%pv):
    a = ln.strip().split()
    if not a: continue
    if a[0] == 'Physical' and a[4].endswith(':'):
      pe1st = int(a[2])
      pelst = int(a[4][:-1])
      seg = Segment(pe1st,pelst)
    elif seg and a[0] == 'Logical':
      if a[1] == 'volume':
 seg.lvpath = a[2]
      elif a[1] == 'extents':
 seg.le1st = int(a[2])
 seg.lelst = int(a[4])
    elif a[0] == 'PE' and a[1] == 'Size':
      if a[2] == "(KByte)":
 pe_size = int(a[3]) * 2
      elif a[3] == 'KiB':
 pe_size = int(float(a[2])) * 2
  if segs:
    for ln in cmdoutput("pvs --units k -o+pe_start %s"%pv):
      a = ln.split()
      if a[0] == pv:
        lst = a[-1]
 if lst.lower().endswith('k'):
   pe_start = int(float(lst[:-1]))*2
   return pe_start,pe_size,segs
  return None

def findlv(pv,sect):
  res = getpvmap(pv)
  if not res: return None
  pe_start,pe_size,m = res
  if sect < pe_start:
    raise Exception("Bad sector in PV metadata area")
  pe = int((sect - pe_start)/pe_size)
  pebeg = pe * pe_size + pe_start
  peoff = sect - pebeg
  for s in m:
    if s.pe1st <= pe <= s.pelst:
      le = s.le1st + pe - s.pe1st
      return s.lvpath,le * pe_size + peoff

def getmdmap():
  with open('/proc/mdstat','rt') as fp:
    m = []
    for ln in fp:
      if ln.startswith('md'):
 a = ln.split(':')
 raid = a[0].strip()
 devs = []
 a = a[1].split()
 for d in a[2:]:
    return m

def parse_sfdisk(s):
  for ln in s:
      part,desc = ln.split(':')
      if part.startswith('/dev/'):
        d = {}
        for p in desc.split(','):
   name,val = p.split('=')
   name = name.strip()
   if name.lower() == 'id':
     d[name] = int(val,16)
     d[name] = int(val)
 yield part.strip(),d
    except ValueError:

def findpart(wd,lba):
  s = cmdoutput("sfdisk -d %s"%wd)
  parts = [ (part,d['start'],d['size'],d['Id']) for part,d in parse_sfdisk(s) ]
  for part,start,sz,Id in parts:
    if Id == ID_EXT: continue
    if start <= lba < start + sz:
      return part,lba - start,Id
  return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
  wd = sys.argv[1]
  lba = int(sys.argv[2])
  print wd,lba,"Whole Disk"
  res = findpart(wd,lba)
  if not res:
    print "LBA is outside any partition"
  part,sect,Id = res
  print part,sect,idtoname(Id)
  if Id == ID_LVM:
    bd,sect = findlv(part,sect)
    # FIXME: problems if LV is snapshot
  elif Id == ID_LINUX:
    bd = part
    if Id == ID_RAID:
      for md,devs in getmdmap():
 for dev in devs:
   if part == "/dev/"+dev:
     part = "/dev/"+md
        else: continue
    res = findlv(part,sect)
    if res:
      print "PV =",part
      bd,sect = res
      bd = part
  blksiz = 4096
  blk = int(sect * 512 / blksiz)
  p = blkid(bd)
    t = p['TYPE']
    print bd,p
  print "fs=%s block=%d %s"%(bd,blk,t)
  if t.startswith('ext'):
    inum = icheck(bd,blk)
    if inum:
      fn = ncheck(bd,inum)
      print "file=%s inum=%d"%(fn,inum)
      print "<free space>"

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